Frequently Asked Questions - Maths Mate Textbook
Is the price for 1 of the 12 books or for all 12?
The Maths Mate Textbook price includes all 11 write-on booklets and the accompanying review program.
Can the books be reused?
Only if you instruct the student to write in a notebook and not in the textbook.
Do you have to buy the games that are referred to in the books?
Many of the games are free and accessible via the link provided in the instructions. It's not required however, for the best outcome we recommend that you purchase Think Square game kits for your school. These kits will last for many years.
Can you purchase any of the 12 books separately?
Only the review book (book 12) can be purchased separately.
Is the year level indicated on the textbooks?
The textbooks follow the same colour coding as the review program. There is no year level directly shown however, the recommended year level is indicated at the back of the book.
Frequently Asked Questions - Maths Mate Review Program
Can I order Maths Mate materials if I am not a teacher?
Anyone can order Maths Mate materials for private use with individual students. The Maths Mate resources are available for purchase online or at select bookshops. The sale of teacher resource materials is restricted to schools and other educational institutions.
Is there an assessment component in the Maths Mate program?
• There are two tests available after every set of 4 consecutive Maths Mate worksheets.
• A and B tests are provided to allow alternative students to have a different test, thereby ensuring scores accurately reflect the student’s own work.
• The tests give the teacher a more accurate indication of the student’s abilities in conditions where the child does not have the assistance of a parent or tutor.
• Without the tests, students may become comfortable with seeking assistance to achieve high scores, unaware of the importance of fully understanding their work.
Why a skills-based Maths Mate Review Program rather than a topic-based?
• Usually a student who fails at a topic has limited opportunities to recover within that year or possibly ever. By focusing on the acquisition of skills, the program provides the opportunity and motivation for students to try again.
• Consistent practice improves retention rates so students consolidate at a higher basic skill level, giving them a greater chance of success at their topic based class work.
• A skills based program saves teacher time by reducing the need for topic review and the introduction of new topics.
Does the program work for mixed ability classes?
• Yes, the program continually reinforces skills relevant to all students. It is designed to help students achieve a satisfying degree of success, yet still provides the most mathematically advanced students challenging problem solving questions.
• Teacher expectations in relation to the full or partial completion of sheets may be altered according to individual student abilities.
Are the Skill Builders related to the Maths Mate program?
• Designed to complement Maths Mate, the Skill Builders give step by step instruction and provide additional practice for students who are struggling with a particular skill or strand.
• Skill Builders have been developed to ensure the diagnostic nature of the program leads to immediate remediation. Through their own record keeping, students can identify an area of concern and complete the appropriate skill builder sheet.
• Reports from schools using Skill Builders indicate that they save the teacher’s time and improve student outcomes.
What if certain topics are covered later in the year?
• Generally, skills covered should be a revision of work that has been introduced in previous years. In the case of minor exceptions, new material is introduced clearly and gradually.
How much time does the program take to administer?
• For each class it takes twenty minutes per week for the students to self-correct their sheets and record their progress, and eight hours each year for the teachers to correct tests.
• Extra follow-up time may be spent on questions of interest or concern.
• Maths Mate Skill Builders provide an opportunity for more specialised revision and take less than 2 minutes for students to correct.
What is the difference between Maths Mate Mauve and Math's Mate 9 Gold?
Maths Mate 9 Gold was introduced to challenge the more advanced students. Advanced versions are in general one term ahead of the standard editions.